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Learn more about our cognitive behavioral therapy services.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychosocial intervention that helps those who have been abused by a narcissist become aware of how the abuse has distorted their thinking and effected their behavior. Once these negative thoughts and behaviors have been identified, the therapist helps the client develop new ways of thinking about the abuse, the abuser, and themselves.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on challenging the false cognitions that narcissist imposes on their targets and helps them replace the false cognitions with accurate ones, while helping them improve emotion regulation, develop coping strategies and problems solving skills.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psycho-social invention that can help clients improve their mental health as well as their self-esteem. It works by changing their thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and the distorted image of themselves that resulted from the gaslighting, brainwashing, and outright lies told to them by their abuser.
If you believe you could benefit from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or would like to know more about this approach to therapy, click here to contact us today.